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Tax Credit Scholarships (SGO)

Fund Academic Scholarships With Your Redirected Tax Dollars

Small investments add up over time. The same is true of contributions to causes we care about: Our investments grow and can change someone’s life forever.

We want as many students as possible to experience a life-changing Christian education, and your participation in SGO brings us one step closer to making that vision a reality. It all adds up!

What is SGO?

Scholarship Granting Organizations, or SGOs, are certified private K–12 schools eligible to receive redirected tax dollars to fund academic scholarships for students with financial needs. Donors who give to CHCA through the Ohio Christian Education Network (OCEN) SGO will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit toward their state tax liability, essentially making SGO a cost-free way to give!

Here’s How It Works

Single filers can donate up to $750, and married couples filing jointly can donate up to $1,500, to receive the dollar-for-dollar tax credit.
Giving is easy and takes less than 10 minutes.
  1. Visit Ohio Christian Education Network’s website, where you’ll make your donation.
  2. Select your donation amount. You may also give an amount of your choice by clicking Other.
  3. Select Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy from the drop-down menu to designate your donation to CHCA, and click Add Designation.
  4. Fill in your information. (If you are a married couple filing jointly, select the Add Second Donor box and complete the required fields.)
  5. Fill in your payment details.
  6. Click Donate and save your receipt to include with your state tax return.
  7. Watch your generosity add up and impact students for years to come!

The deadline to receive 2023 tax credit is April 15, 2024.


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