Beyond the Armleder School Day
Activities & Clubs
F i n e A r t s
Armleder School K-6
Armleder Private Music Lesson Program (Gr K-6)
Armleder Steppin' Starz (Gr 1-6)
Armleder String Chamber Ensemble (Gr 4-6)
CHCA Dance Academy (Gr K-3, 3-5, 5-6)
Theatre: Musical Theatre Production (Gr 4-5)
Theatre: Musical Theatre Production (Gr 6-8)
Fall Sports:
Boys Football (Gr 3-6)
Boys CintiUnited Soccer Club (Gr K-8)
Girls Football Cheerleading (Gr 3-6)
Girls CintiUnited Soccer Club (Gr K-8)
Girls Tennis Club (Gr 6-8)
Girls Volleyball (Gr 3-6)
Co-Ed Golf Club (Gr 6-8)
Winter Sports:
Boys Basketball (Gr 3-6)
Girls Basketball (Gr 3-6)
Spring Sports:
Boys Baseball Club (Gr 6-8)
Boys Lacrosse (Gr 1-6)
Boys CintiUnited Soccer Club (Gr K-8)
Boys Tennis Club (Gr 6-8)
Girls Lacrosse (Gr 1-6)
Girls CintiUnited Soccer Club (Gr K-8)
Girls Softball Club (Gr 6-8)
Co-Ed Mighty Eagles Running Club (Gr 1-6)
Armleder Cards for a Cause (PK-Gr 6)
Armleder Eyewitness News (Gr K-6)
Armleder Honor Society (Gr 4-6)
Armleder Learning Fair (Gr K-6)
Armleder Lighthouse Leadership Team (Gr 4-6)
Armleder Street Eagles Soccer Club (Gr K-6)
Armleder TrueDefense Club (Gr 1-6)
After School Care (Achievers Program)
Hours of Operation
2024-2025 Fees
Individual AS NEEDED |
Registration Fee | |
Late Fees
Did you know there's an enriching afterschool activity that lets your Gr 1-6 child increase skill in the visual arts, meets on 12 Wednesdays from 3:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., and is free? See how the Armleder Art Club pairs with the Achievers Program for a great after school option!
2023-2024 Important Dates
- 08/01/24 - ONLINE registrationopens
- 08/21/24 at 11:59 p.m. - Early Bird Registration ends
- 08/22/24 - $25 registration fee begins; Program begins regular hours
- 20th of each month (September-May) - Auto withdrawal for AS NEEDED additional days attended in the previous month
- 06/06/25 - Final auto withdrawal payment
Questions? Contact After Care Coordinator or (513) 721-2422.
Annual Enrollment Process
This is a pre-registered, "pay-to-stay" program. Before your child can attend, you must register online.
Daily Schedule
3:00 | PK students not picked up are escorted to program and charged daily fee |
3:10–3:30 |
Welcome, memory verse, essential question, sharing, prayer, snack (All) |
3:30–4:15 |
Outside/gym (PK, K) Homework, reading, arts and crafts, games after homework is completed (Gr 1-6) |
4:15–5:15 |
Bible story, Bible related activity, craft, free play (PK, K) Outside/gym (Gr 1-6) |
5:15-5:25 |
Clean up. All students go to front lobby for pick-up by 5:30 p.m. |
- Your child must sign in upon arrival to the room and a parent or designated person must sign them out before leaving.
- We are only responsible for your student(s) while they are signed into the program.
- For your child's safety, a child may not sign him/herself out of the program - whether you child is leaving the program to attend another activity or go home, a pre-authorized adult must sign the child out.
- If an emergency arises and you need an unauthorized adult to pick your child up, send a written permission to the school. If necessary, you may fax your permission note to (513) 721-2422 scan it to
- Your child will be withdrawn from the program after a second failed payment or three late pickups.
Late Pick Up Fees
If you think you are going to be late picking up your child, please notify us immediately at (513) 721-2422. Parents who arrive later than 5:30 p.m. will have these additional overtime fees automatically added to your monthly bill:
5:31 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. + $15.75 fee
5:46 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. + $26.25 fee
6:01 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. + $36.75 fee
6:16 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. + $47.25 fee