myService Intersession Homepage (#SI2024)
Questions? Email
Grade 7
Grade 7 Course Options
Important Dates
- 08/29/24 - Course Options announced to current US 7 students and on website
- Starting 08/29/24 at 1:00 p.m. - Online Course Optioning opens
- 09/10/24 (noon) - Deadline to submit online course option and be considered on time
- 09/17/24 after 3:00 p.m. - Parents receive email confirmation on tentative student placement and registration opens
- 09/27/24 - Deadline to complete online registration and pay to secure place in assigned course
Course Optioning Tips:
- Review program overview and how placement works in the Grade 7 Parent Letter.
- Use the Course Options detail at left to review courses and set guidelines for your student (examples: budget, distance, etc.)
- Hint: Use the US7 Service Immersion 2024
Overview linked above to review each choice
(available 08/29/24 after 1:00 P.M.) - Hint: Use the Course Descriptions linked above for more info about any specific course
(available 08/29/24 after 1:00 P.M.)
- Hint: Use the US7 Service Immersion 2024
- On-Time deadline to submit online course option is 09/10/24 by noon.
- Deadline to submit Online Course Options and be considered on time. (Parent signature only required if more than 1 submittal for Student ID.)
Hint: This is not UltraCamp; you go there after you receive an email with your student's tentative course placement.
Grade 8
See Course Descriptions below for travel dates outside 10/22/24 - 10/25/24 and times for local courses outside the normal school day.
Grade 8 Course Options
- Pastries for Pantries (Max: 20)
- Serve Cincinnati: Clutter2Care (Max: 15)
- Serve Cincinnati: Schools (Max: 10)
- Indianapolis Urban Immersion (Max: 20)
- Appalachian Service (Max: 30)
- Mexico Service Intersession (Max: 40)
Pastries for Pantries (Max: 20)
Serve Cincinnati: Clutter2Care (Max: 15)
Serve Cincinnati: Schools (Max: 10)
Indianapolis Urban Immersion (Max: 20)
Appalachian Service (Max: 30)
Mexico Service Intersession (Max: 40)
Important Dates
- 08/14/24 - Course Options announced to current US 8 students and on website
- Starting 08/14/24 at 1:00 p.m. - Online Course Optioning opens
- 08/27/24 (noon) - Deadline to submit online course option and be considered on time
- 09/03/24 after 3:00 p.m. - Parents receive email confirmation on tentative student placement and registration opens
- 09/09/24 - Deadline to complete online registration and pay deposit to secure place in assigned course
- Starting 09/16/24 - $25 Late Registration Fee applied to all students who have not completed their online registration
- 09/27/24 - Automatic balance payment for all courses (Reminder sent 10 days prior)
Course Optioning Tips:
- Review program overview and how placement works in the Parent Letter.
- Use the Course Options detail at left to review courses and set guidelines for your student (examples: budget, distance, etc.)
- Hint: Use the US8 Service Immersion 2024
Overview linked above to review each choice
(available 08/14/24 after 1:00 P.M.) - Hint: Use the Course Descriptions linked above for more info about any specific course
(available 08/14/24 after 1:00 P.M.)
- Hint: Use the US8 Service Immersion 2024
- On-Time deadline to submit online course option is 08/27/24 by noon.
- Deadline to submit Online Course Options and be considered on time. (Parent signature only required if more than 1 submittal for Student ID.)
Hint: This is not UltraCamp; you go there after you receive an email with your student's tentative course placement.
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