Engaging Heads, Hearts, and Hands
What does it mean to be a Christ-centered school?
It means that learning, faith, and service inspire and reinforce each other. Each day brings new lessons in what it means to follow Jesus’ example.
To spark meaningful thought and growth, spiritual life at CHCA engages our heads (learning about the Bible and Christian history), our hearts (attending chapel, joining prayer groups, and talking about our faith), and our hands (reaching out in service to others). We engage in God’s world, pray together, and live out our faith through service to others. And because we are a private Christian school, we’re able to do that each and every day.
Learn how Faith and Service are at the center of everything that happens at CHCA.
Not your average “religious school”…
As a Christ-centered school, you will find CHCA's curriculum carefully integrates meaningful reflections upon Christian faith into every discipline, as our quest for God fuels intellectual curiosity and our academic pursuits teach us more about God's world.
The heart of all we do...
Students meet Jesus and grow their faith differently so we offer many avenues for them to get to know God. Students and teachers worship, contemplate, and celebrate together at weekly chapels. We serve together, and share in classes and student-led Bible studies. We pray together - in class, in the hallway, on the playing field. Weekly Bible memory verses are placed on our youngest students’ hearts. Theological integration is a part of everything we do.
More than a checked box…
At CHCA, giving our time and energy is more than a hobby or box to check off for a college application—it’s a way of life. That’s why by the time seniors graduate, they've averaged 230 service hours then go on to serve their colleges, families, and communities.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9
Where learning, faith, and service inspire and reinforce each other
"I believe what truly sets our institution apart is our potential to create Christian leaders ready to go out and shine their light in the world.”chca board of trustees president