Teaching Kitchen
Full time executive chef on site to manage kitchen space
Student-run business offering cooking classes and making products
PK - Gr 12 learn healthy living habits
Certificate Program
Academic Programs focusing on:
Mastery of the entrepreneurial mindset
Participation in several student business internships
Completion of senior capstone project
Growing Spaces
Eagle Farms enables:
PK-Gr 12 students to learn about the farm-to-school cycle
A student-run Marketplace to sell fresh produce and locally-sourced foods
Student Run Businesses
Multiple businesses let Gr 7-12 students learn real world business skills in innovative spaces
Entrepreneural Podcast features inspiring guests,
engaging conversations,
pertinent content
We teach the entrepreneurs of the future to
The Entrepreneurship & Sustainability Program is more than just a business class—innovative education moves past classroom walls to teach real world problem solving skills and develop leadership potential. The key to success lies in hands-on learning—fostering the growth of life-long habits and values. We believe entrepreneurs are more than business owners—they are visionary problem-solvers, hard-working innovators, and empowered outside-the-box thinkers.
Entrepreneurship comes alongside sustainability uniquely at CHCA as future entrepreneurs face a landscape of environmental change. We instill the importance of clear decisions based on moral integrity that consider the need to properly steward the earth. This emphasis is a key part of our program and reflected through the sustainable practices of the student-run businesses—many of which center on food education.
"The program not only awakened my passion for being an entrepreneur, but also empowered me with leadership skills, curiosity, and a love of coffee I’ll carry for the rest of my life."Megan Peck '19
CHCA Entrepreneurship & Sustainability
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