Ohio EdChoice
A program through the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), EdChoice provides students from designated public school districts the opportunity to attend participating private schools. The EdChoice Expansion program grants scholarships to students in families with a qualifying household income.
At CHCA, traditional EdChoice and EdChoice Expansion are available for students in kindergarten–Grade 6 at Armleder and in Grades 7–12 at North Campus.
How It Works
Students must be admitted to CHCA before applying for EdChoice. While CHCA will make the admissions decision, ODE decides if a student is eligible for the EdChoice scholarship.
Traditional EdChoice (Residence Based)
Currently, the annual aid amount is $6,166 for kindergarten–Grade 8 and $8,408 for Grades 9–12. Aid is applicable to tuition only; families will be responsible for any remaining tuition, all school fees, and additional non-tuition costs. Families who qualify for low-income status (at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines) may qualify for an additional tuition benefit.
To apply for traditional EdChoice, families will need to submit:
A completed EdChoice scholarship request form
Proof of current address
Student’s birth certificate
EdChoice Expansion (Income Based)
Currently, the annual maximum aid amount is $6,166 for kindergarten–Grade 8 and $8,408 for Grades 9–12. The amount of the scholarship is dependent upon the amount of the family’s income as determined by the EdChoice Expansion income eligibility requirements for 2024–25. Aid is applicable to tuition only; families will be responsible for any remaining tuition, all school fees, and additional non-tuition costs.
To apply for EdChoice Expansion, families will need to submit:
A completed EdChoice scholarship request form
Proof of current address
Student’s birth certificate
New EdChoice Expansion applicants are also required to complete ODE’s income verification process.
The application window for both traditional EdChoice and EdChoice Expansion is currently open for the 2024–25 school year. Applications will most likely open in early February for the 2025–26 school year. ODE will mail renewal forms to all parents of students currently receiving aid.
Completed applications and required supporting documentation should be sent to Laura Babba, Tuition Assistance and EdChoice Specialist, at Laura.Babba@chca-oh.org. Those who are eligible are encouraged to apply early for the most favorable consideration.
EdChoice Eligibility
Eligibility for traditional EdChoice is dependent on several factors. ODE accepts applications from:
Students who are enrolled in and attending EdChoice public school buildings in their districts of residence;
Students enrolled in and attending community schools who would otherwise be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings;
Students enrolled in and attending public schools in their districts of residence who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings for the upcoming year;
Students enrolling in Ohio schools for the first time who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings;
Students whose sibling received a traditional EdChoice Scholarship in the preceding year;
Students entering grades K–12 who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings regardless of where they attended school the previous year;
Students who previously received an Autism or Jon Peterson Scholarship but no longer qualify because they no longer need special education services;
Students who are foster children;
Students who reside in a certified foster home;
Students placed with a guardian, legal custodian, or in kinship care;
Students who reside in the same household as a student who was placed with a guardian, legal custodian, or in kinship care for at least 45 consecutive days;
Students who reside in the household of another for at least 45 days and but for not living there would have been homeless; or
Students who reside in a household with a student who would have been homeless (see previous criteria) for at least 45 consecutive days.
Eligibility for EdChoice Expansion depends on a family’s household Adjusted Gross Income. ODE determines the amount of aid awarded in the following ways.
If a family’s household income is at or below 450% of the Federal Poverty Level, they will be awarded the maximum amount.
If a family’s household income is at or above 451% of the Federal Poverty Level, the student’s scholarship award will be prorated based on their specific percentage of the Federal Poverty Level. Download the EdChoice Expansion Award Amounts chart from the ODE’s website.
Visit the ODE website for more information regarding application windows, income guidelines, and resources.
Prospective Families: Contact your Admissions counselor with additional questions.
Current CHCA Families: Contact Laura Babba, Tuition Assistance and EdChoice Specialist, at Laura.Babba@chca-oh.org with additional questions.