Power of the Pen
Grade Levels:
A statewide competitive creative writing program which targets Ohio Gr 7-8 students. There are three levels of competition (District, Regional, and State) where students participate in three rounds of impromptu writing and receive instant feedback from judges.
September - May (Competition season begins in January)
Practice Day(s) / Time of the Week:
Fridays during lunch
Practice Location:
Competition Schedule:
District Tournament: Late January/early February on a Saturday (about 50% qualify for Regional Tournament)
Regional Tournament: Early to mid-March (about 20% qualify for State Tournament)
State Tournament: May (Thursday/Friday before Memorial Day Weekend)
At competitions, students write on a given topic for three 40 minute rounds. They are ranked and given quality points for each round, and receive their ballots back at the end of the day and to see what the judges liked and suggested for improvement. Judges critique originality and a mastery of literary techniques (unusual narrators, surprise endings, dialogue, building suspense/interest, etc.).
$50 (Covers team registration and materials)
Anticipated # of Students:
Gr 7 team: 6 students + 2-4 alternates
Gr 8 team: 6 students + 2-4 alternates
We will hold mandatory tryouts in September IF more than six students per grade indicate interest. (Power of the Pen rules state that no school can have an “official” team of more than 6 students per grade level.) We welcome alternates who can attend practice and participate in the District Tournament as their writing does not count toward the official team’s scores.
Expected Parent Involvement:
- Transport child to tournaments
- Parents may attend award tournament ceremonies
- Power of the Pen official website
- See sponsor for access to Power of the Pen Canvas webpage
Sponsor / Contact Info:
Important Dates:
09/06/24 - Registration Opens
09/30/24 @ 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes