News & Calendar

National Honor Society

Grade Levels:



National Honor Society (NHS) is a service-based organization created to recognize students’ outstanding accomplishments in the areas of academics, service, leadership, and character.


Throughout the school year

Meeting Day/Time:

Quarterly meeting held during the 2:45-3:05 activity period

Meeting Location:

MSL Innovation Spaces or cafeteria


NHS is responsible for CHCA’s Operation Christmas Child collection and other service projects. Each member is expected to lead or participate in two NHS service projects and all activities sponsored by NHS, including quarterly meetings.


$20 induction year only, paid via UltraCamp

Anticipated # of Students:


Expected Parent Involvement:



The guidelines of the National Honor Society constitution, under the authority of the National Council, set the standards and procedures for membership. To be eligible, students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.6 and have completed the required minimum number of service hours based on class standing.

Sponsor/Contact Info:

Application Process and timing:

May - NHS Officer applications considered for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Service Leader. See sponsor for details.

October - Qualified juniors and seniors are notified of eligibility.

October - Candidates submit personal essay, activity and service record, and two teacher recommendations to be considered by the Faculty Council.

November - Students approved for NHS membership are inducted in a formal ceremony - family and friends are invited.

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