Learning Fair
Grade Levels:
K - 6 (PK may do class projects)
A celebration of thinking, questioning, and creativity, the Learning Fair showcases the variety of student interests on topics including science, history, music, animals and more. Provide encouragement and motivation for your student to research a topic of their choice the create a project.
Important! You may NOT bring actual food items, including baked goods or candy, live pets, perfumes, or chemicals to the fair due to allergies.
At home preparation starts in January - participants choose a topic, research it, then create a display to share what you learned with others!
Learning Fair is Thursday, 01/23/25 - Friday, 01/24/25
- Thursday morning 7:30 am - 8:20 a.m. - Set Up
- Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Lower School Classes visit the Fair
- Thursday 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. - Family Viewing (Watch Campus Connection and the Parent App for more info.)
- Friday 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Lower School Classes visit the Fair
- Friday about 11:30 a.m. - Tear Down (Displays must be removed by end of school on Friday)
Displays are set up on tables labeled with class names in the EBL Gym
Display boards are available in the EBL school office for your convenience for $5.00 cash or check payable to CHCA
Anticipated # of Students:
225-250 student displays
Expected Parent Involvement:
Provide guidance in researching interest area and in board display
- Check with your teacher about the Learning Fair requirements in your classroom. In some classes it is extra credit, and in others it may take the place of another assignment. The main idea of the Learning Fair is that YOU have fun learning something new!
- Bulletin #1 for 24-25 - Getting Started - 4 weeks to go
- Bulletin #2 for 24-25 - Getting to Work - 3 weeks to go
- Bulletin #3 for 24-25 - Planning Your Display - 2 weeks to go
- Bulletin #4 for 24-25 - Setting Up Your Display - 1 week to go
How Do You Register:
No registration required; simply bring your display on the Learning Fair morning