eSports UE 4-6
Grade Levels:
eSports is a team of students playing a particular video game in a highly-organized, competitive environment. Students will learn about the world of eSports, gaming skills, gaming sportsmanship, and how to compete against others in a Christ-honoring manner. At Gr 4-6, all games are played on the Nintendo Switch to ensure a safe and child friendly playing environment.
CHCA is one of a limited number of schools in the country offering eSports at Gr 4-6; therefore our gameplay will be entirely through an in-house league. Opportunities to compete against other players or teams online may occur if we can find other teams to play.
Season 1: 09/05/23 - 12/15/23
Season 2: 01/16/24 - 04/24/24
Each season is 12 week minimum; season calendar will be handed out at first practice. Students choose a series of 3 games. Each game is played for a minimum of 3 consecutive weeks, followed by an end of season tournament/party. If a student registers to play both seasons, they may choose to sign up for the same games, or switch to the other series of 3 games.
Practice day/time determined by game series; all practices 3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesdays: Minecraft Dungeons / Mario Kart / Super Smash Bros
- Wednesdays: Rocket League / Mario Strikers / Splatoon 3
Founders' eSports Room
$125 per season for one night of games, 1 team soccer-style jersey personalized with your name, locker magnet, end of season party, and account fees
$50 Discount - If registering for second night of games within the same season
$25 discount if registering for both Season 1 and Season 2. (No second jersey will be provided if playing both seasons.)
Anticipated # of Students:
32 students per season = 16 players per day x 2 days (Participation is limited by the physical playstations.)
Expected Parent Involvement:
- Prompt drop-off and pick-up before and after practice at the Founders’ eSports Room near the 7/8 entrance and/or carpool lane outside the 7/8 entrance.
- Students not picked up by 4:40 will be sent to Eagle Zone and parents will be charged.
- Email coaches if your child will miss practice.
Expected Student Behavior:
- Students are expected to follow instructions, treat their peers and equipment with respect, and stay within the technology parameters the coaches provide. If a student is struggling to follow these expectations and is demonstrating behavior that is deemed to be unsafe or disruptive to the culture and practice, they may be asked to leave the group.
- eSports is about more than just playing games:
Communication about team happenings, events, and practice changes will be sent via email from Mrs. Lott.
- As with all sports, you must pick your child up at regular dismissal or enroll them in our Eagles Zone After Care Program.
Important Dates:
08/25/23 - Online Registration opens; when max capacity reached per evening/season, registrations for other evening/season will remain active.
Week of 09/05/23 - Season 1 Practices begin
10/29/23 at 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes
11/21/23 - Online Registration opens; when max capacity reached per evening/season, registrations for other evening/season will remain active.
Week of 01/16/24 - Season 2 Practices begin
03/01/24 at 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes