News & Calendar

Armleder Steppin' Starz

Grade Levels:

1- 6


To honor God through opportunities to use our body as an instrument of worship and praise.


Season 1:  September - December
Season 2:  January - May

Practice Location:

Practices will be at Armleder

Performances may be at Armleder or in the Lindner Theater

Performance Schedule:
(At Armleder School or MSL Campus: Lindner Theater)

Session 1:

September-May - AS Chapels - School day

September 27 - AS Grandparent’s Day - School day

December 17 – Armleder Gr 1-3 Christmas Concert – MSL: Lindner Theater

Session 2:

February – Black History Month Program

Mid-April – ArtBeat Dress Rehearsal in the MSL: Lindner Theater

April 12 – ArtBeat – Saturday Afternoon

May 20 – Armleder Gr 4-6 Spring Concert – MSL: Lindner Theater


$75 each semester.  This includes a Step Team t-shirt and end of session recognition

Also note that everyone must be registered for aftercare (Armleder Achievers) to participate.

Armleder Afterschool Achievers: $25 registration if not already registered; $11.55/day each day this child attends regardless of how long they stay. Nonrefundable, minimum charge of $11.55 collected in full at registration.

Anticipated # of Students:


Expected Parent Involvement:

  • Read email communications.
  • Please notify sponsors/coaches if your student will NOT be attending rehearsal on any given day.
  • Provide student with a personal snack and water each day of practice .
  • Provide transportation to performances and attend any specified rehearsals (e.g. ArtBeat dress rehearsal).
  • Pick up students by 4:35 p.m. from AS Lobby or they will be sent to Armleder Achievers for a daily change.
  • Volunteer time and talents. 


  • Steppin' Starz is compatible with the Gr 4-5 and Gr 6-8 musicals and fall sports as students can attend rehearsals when possible!  Please just register and contact sponsor about your plan.
  • Students may bring a snack and a water bottle for the start of rehearsal.
  • Students are expected to attend and participate in all Step Team performances during their session.
  • Please be flexible and check emails often as performance/rehearsal dates are subject to change due to weather, health, or unforeseen circumstances.

Important Dates:

Session 1:
08/22/24   - 1. Online Activity registration opens for Session 1.
                 2. Online After Care registration is also required
09/05/24 - $25 late registration fee starts
09/05/24 - Session 1 First rehearsal
09/14/24 @ 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes or when max is reached

Session 2:
12/13/24 - 1. Online Activity registration opens for Session 2.
                 2. Online After Care registration is also required
01/23/25 @ 11:59 p.m. - Session 2 registration closes