Armleder Private Music Lesson Program (K-Gr 6)
The Armleder Private Music Lesson Program strives to provide informed musical learning, while challenging students toward personal growth.
Please fill out the Scholarship Application below if you require financial assistance. Scholarships are awarded based on Scholarship Application results and will honor your current CHCA Scholarship Percentage until Grant Funds are fully deployed.
The Armleder Private Music Lesson Program (PMLP-Armleder) Handbook contains additional information including recital schedules, auto-payment dates, and withdrawal policies.
- Private Piano Lessons with Mrs. Duebber occur after school on Wednesdays in the Armleder Music Lab.
- Students must be registered for Armleder Achievers and will be taken to Achievers if not picked up at the end of the lesson time.
- Parents are encouraged to attend lessons whenever possible.
Please email Dr. Lydia Woodin with any questions.
Armleder Private Music Lesson Program Faculty
Important Information
- Armleder Private Music Lesson Program Handbook
- $45 annual book fee is non-refundable
- $40 annual family registration fee is non-refundable
- Private Music Lesson Program Withdrawal Form must be completed 2 weeks before the upcoming auto-payment date. Credit for unused lessons transfer to the next quarter - no refunds.
Important Dates
- Online registration opens 10/07/24
- 05/09/25 - Armleder PMLP Spring Recital - Armleder gym
(8:40 a.m. as part of Armleder Chapel)
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