News & Calendar

Armleder Celebration Choir

Grade Levels:

3 - 6


Experience the joy of music making in a choral community, explore diverse musical styles, develop our gift of worship, polish, and bond as a unified group. Performance opportunities include those both in the school and in the community.


September - May

Practice Days:

Mondays 3:10 – 4:30 p.m.

Additional rehearsals & exceptions as announced

Performance Schedule:
(information sheet with dates and times will be given at the first rehearsal)

  • Armleder Grandparent’s Day
  • Christmas Concert
  • ArtBeat
  • Spring Concert
  • Others as Announced

Practice Location:

AS Music Room


ACC: $60 cover ACC parties, end of year gifts, choir T-shirt; $25 late registration fee starts 09/09/24

Armleder Afterschool Achievers: $25 registration if not already registered; $11.55/day each day this child attends regardless of how long they stay. Nonrefundable, minimum charge of $11.55 collected in full at registration.

Anticipated # of Students:

About 20

Expected Parent Involvement:

  • Read email communications.
  • Read, review, sign, and return ACC Behavior Contract with singer (given at first rehearsal).
  • Notify Mrs. Enns via email if your student will NOT be attending ACC rehearsal on any given day.
  • Provide transportation to performances and any specified rehearsals (e.g. ArtBeat dress rehearsal).
  • Pick up students by 4:35 p.m. from AS Lobby or they will be sent to Armleder Achievers for a daily charge.

Sponsor / Contact Info:, AS Music Teacher

Important Dates:

08/01/24 - 1. Online Activity registration opens
                 2. Online After Care registration is also required
09/09/24 - $25 late registration fee starts
09/16/24 @ 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes
09/16/24 - First rehearsal

12/06/24 - Registration reopens for 2nd semester adds
01/13/25 @ 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes for 2nd semester adds