News & Calendar

Diversity & Belonging at CHCA

Embracing our differences, discovering our similarities

In pursuit of Christ-centered academic excellence, one of CHCA’s core values is:

We believe in the Value of Each Person:  Demonstrating biblical equality, we will embrace each individual as a distinct creation of God, ensure an emotionally, socially, and physically safe and nurturing environment, and intentionally enroll a student body, faculty, and staff who reflect the socioeconomic and racial make-up of the community in which we live.

Believing that each person is a distinct and unconditionally loved creation of God, we want CHCA to reflect both the diversity and unity of God's Kingdom.  In doing so, we enable our students to live the mission of celebrating the beautiful diversity of the Kingdom of God and we prepare students to thrive in an increasingly diverse society. 

We seek to emphasize that the family of God is to be one TOGETHER and not divided by race, culture, and class. 

People who are different COMING together.

Diversity: bringing together a more culturally, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse community among mission-fit faculty, staff, and families at CHCA – one that better represents the world into which we send our students.  

People who are different WORKING together.

Equality: no matter the cultural, ethnic, or socio-economic background, male or female, we should ensure that every member of our community has equal access and opportunity. This equality is inclusive of student engagement in and out of the classroom, as well as employment opportunities for faculty and staff. And while all students will have equal opportunities, we are mindful that individual talents and effort are important determinants of outcomes for our students.

People who are different RISING together.

Belonging: among a more diverse school culture, we enable the appreciation and assimilation of each individual to work together in activities that promote student development, glorify God, and build up the Kingdom. Simply stated, we want everyone in our community to feel welcomed and a sense of belonging.

Look Deeper

Excerpts from community-wide perspective originally published 02/10/21.