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- Alumni
- Thoughts from the Head of School
I think most institutions underestimate the power and importance of their alumni. As a school committed to helping students discover and cultivate their unique gifts and talents to prepare them for a holy vocation in the world, I believe there is value in continuing and cultivating the relationship after graduation. Here's why...
- Academic
- Thoughts from the Head of School
Our students gain knowledge, accumulate experiences, build powerful community with their classmates and teachers, and serve others as they demonstrate the light of Christ in the world. The message of the Gospel is that all the world is God’s, and we are called to go and to engage His world. As a school, we strive to inspire students to be lifelong learners. And as a Christian school, we strive to inspire students to continue learning by engaging in God’s world and follow that Divine call. Intersession creates those opportunities for our students to begin the journey to follow the call.
- Academic
- Thoughts from the Head of School
Book reading is in a decline but is a valuable resource for becoming a life-long learner. Dr. Nicholas discusses the value books have had in his life and the importance for students to read widely and with depth.
- Parenting
- Thoughts from the Head of School
As a school, we often talk about the partnership between school and parent. In this blog post, Dr. Nicholas explores the best possible partnership between parents and the school in the development of young people.
- Faith and Service
- Thoughts from the Head of School
Theological Integration is the process by which teachers guide students to consider how thinking in a “Christ-centered” way should affect all areas of study and learning, no matter the grade level or subject area. Dr. Nicholas explains how and why we do this at CHCA.
- Academic
- Faith and Service
- Thoughts from the Head of School
Dr. Nicholas considers the purpose of education, and more specifically Why Christian education?