News & Calendar

Beak Squad Robotics - Armleder

Grade Levels: 3-5
Purpose: Student teams work together to accomplish each year’s mission. This involves problem solving, coding, board design, video making, and lots of teamwork. We are a part of the Wonder League Robotics Competition (WLRC) using Dash Robots.
Months: June-July: summer camps 
October - January: qualifying competition season
February - March: post-season invitational submissions
Schedule: Tuesdays from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.

Nearing competition deadlines, we may add additional days to complete missions.
Teams complete missions and submit entries via an online portal; no travel or extra time required for competition.
Practice Location: Armleder Tech and STEAM labs
Cost: $20 (includes T-shirt, after-school snacks, and awards)
Anticipated # of Students: 20
Expected Parent Involvement:
  • Parents are welcome to help coach a team, but it is not required.  Contact sponsor to express interest.
  • Pick up students by 4:15 p.m. from AS Lobby or they will be sent to Armleder Achievers for a daily charge.
Sponsor Info:
Important Dates: 08/01/23 - ONLINE REGISTRATION opens

10/17/23 - First meeting
10/24/23 @ 11:59 p.m. - Registration closes

We work as a team to debug and solve problems

We work as a team to debug and solve problems

Solving puzzles with coding

Solving puzzles with coding

Presenting their amazing programming to the class

Presenting their amazing programming to the class

Prepping the code to send the robot through a maze

Prepping the code to send the robot through a maze

You can program our robots to do cool things

You can program our robots to do cool things

Robots become different animals based on different inputs that students code

Robots become different animals based on different inputs that students code

Robotics is even more fun with a friend

Robotics is even more fun with a friend